My favorite hair care advice, product reviews, and DIY remedies that I consider my top hair care advice for 2014.
I’ll start with my MOST popular hair care articles:

#1 How to Repair Bleached Damaged Hair Fast!
When I used to have sexy platinum blonde hair, my constant bleaching gave me lots of damage. I figured out how to keep it healthy and in gorgeous shiny condition. This hair care article has all my secret tips for keeping bleached hair looking good! I went back to having dark hair with bleached streaks a couple of years later 😉 Always having fun changing my hair!
Hair Article: How to Repair Bleached Damaged Hair Fast!

#2 How to Remove Split Ends from Hair FAST!
My hair is over 30 inches and I know how to remove split ends to keep my hair long and damage free. This hair care technique will WOW you!
Hair Article: How to Remove Split Ends from Hair Fast

#3 How to Grow Long Hair Fast
My hair is over 30 inches long and I know how to grow my hair longer and keep it long. Add these tips to your daily lifestyle to see BIG (long) results.
Hair Article: How to Grow Long Hair Fast

#4 The Best Natural Cure for Receding Hairline
This helps regrow your hairline thick and even your eyebrows if they’ve been over plucked!
Hair Article: The Best Natural Cure for Receding Hairline

#5 How to Strengthen your hair at Home DIY
Weak hair? I’ll show you the best ways I keep my hair strong and long!
Hair Article: How to Strengthen your hair at home DIY
#6 How to Make your Hair Grow Faster!
Your hair won’t grow? Start and speed up your hair growth.
Hair Article: How to Make your Hair Grow Faster

#7 How To Untangle Hair Snarls – Remove KNOTS from hair FAST!
Wake up with a head full of snarls? Been there, here’s how to FIX it!
Hair Article: How to Untangle Hair Snarls

When you’re new to the world of hair bleaching, knowing how to remove brassy hair color like a pro helps save your bleached blonde hair.
Please read my article: How to Fix Brassy Hair
Thank you for reading my top 7 hair care tips of 2014! Please Share with Friends!
Don’t forget to subscribe to my new YouTube Channel:
I have a hair care playlist:
XO -Jen
Hi Jen, I have straightened my hair many times in the past. After about six months or so when my hair starts to turn back to normal it looks really weird. Lol. It’s jagged and sticks out in weird places. I think this is pretty common for all those who straighten their hair in the salon. I was wondering if there’s anything I could do to make my hair look more natural during that transition period. Thank you!
Hi Priscilla, Your hair sounds very dry and damaged. I’d treat it just like how I treat damaged bleached hair, try reading my blog post here: