As a young girl the first time I saw this Coty Airspun iconic round powder makeup case, (illustrated cotton ball puffs) was in my mom’s makeup bag. (I wasn’t supposed to look in there) Read my full Coty Airspun Loose Face Powder Translucent Review, I covered everyhting. (awesome photos too!)
Always a mystery what this powder was, I remember the sweet delicate smell it gave my mom’s presence when I hugged her. Watching her apply makeup was always a special treat for me. It seemed as if she secretly hid from the world during her getting ready in the morning process. (which I totally understand now) When she applied this powder with the soft makeup powder puff, it was always my favorite part. Now as a grown woman, I enjoy this timeless face powder myself. It truly is one of those magical steps to my makeup ritual now that I’ve unlocked the mystery.
I have purchased Coty Airspun translucent loose powder every time here
This makeup brand Coty Airspun has the most incredible translucent face powder that has stood the test of time. (since 1935!) When something has been manufactured this long and has survived the VERY competitive cosmetics industry, one word, TRUSTED.
A beauty tradition that has successfully been passed down from my mother. Today I treasure and trust Coty Airspun loose powder as my own beauty ritual.
No matter which liquid foundation I use, this Coty Airspin loose translucent face powder gives me the perfect setting and finish to my makeup application. I have used many other setting powders, but this one I always go back to. It seems my efforts in finding an even more amazing and inexpensive setting powder is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Closeup photo of the Coty Airspun powder particles
I took this “macro lens photo” photo using my professional beauty blogging equipment
These tiny particles are what makes it high quality.

What do I love about Coty Airspun?
- There is no loose face powder that is milled finer than Coty Airspun loose face powder (that I have ever met)
- Keeps my foundation set all day. (I have combination skin)
- The inexpensive price! Around $10USD
- High quality that hasn’t changed
- Iconic branding since 1935
- Does not dry out my skin
- No irritation
- Smells nice!
- Generous amount of product
Do this one amazing test and be prepared to be amazed
Pat out some loose Coty Airspun powder into the lid of the container. It comes out like you’re sifting flour doesn’t it? (hence “baking your face” lol)
Now take notice that you can turn the lid to the side and gently upside down without moving any of the product from the lid.
The first time I did this, I was truly amazed. This proves the powder is finely milled for the finest, smoothest application. Light as air.
I have used other setting powders from expensive HD to elf setting powders and they make a big mess! This Coty Airspun setting powder transfers neatly from your brush during application.
When a finishing face powder is this fine, it glides on smoother and works better with the foundation giving it a longer lasting coverage. The powder sets everything more evenly and diffuses and reflects light brighter. You truly can see a nice glow of diffused light immediately after application.
It always seems like this loose setting powder should cost more than just $10.00. It works just as good if not better than more expensive setting powders. I even prefer it to my old MAC pro set powder. I also think it’s easier to work with too!
Where I purchase Coty Airspun Powder
I can never find Coty Airspun in my local stores, I have to get it online. And I sure do!
I have purchased Coty Airspun translucent loose powder every time here from Amazon.
Can I use it on my oily skin?
YES! Keep in mind, if you have oily skin or combination skin purchase the translucent product. Using powder of any color pigments tend to get darker during the day as your face becomes oily throughout the day.
How to Apply Coty Airspun Powder
For an even airbrushed application, I recommend that you apply the loose powder with a fine bristled soft powder brush. Get a good amount loaded onto my real techniques powder brush. (as shown below in the photo) See how nicely this brush picks up the powder? Concentrate patting onto you most oily prone areas first, such as forehead, chin, and nose areas.
The powder puff application pad may not work well for everyone. When I first started using this powder, I did use the provided powder puff applicator. However the applicator breaks down over time. It’s maybe good for ten applications and then it starts to get cakey because it grabs some of the foundation over time. That’s my own personal experience. I think it’s more meant for travel.
I also don’t like how messy the applicator pad gets. It’s hard to control the product on this applicator pad, but it is handy for travel and you don’t have a powder brush.
I Love to use my Real Techniques soft powder brush to apply and brush off excess powder it’s only ($4.90) and It’s my favorite powder brush.
You can allow the Coty Airspun loose translucent powder to “bake your makeup”
I like to let it sit / bake on my face for at least five minutes before brushing away the excess powder.
This setting powder also plays nice with your other face powders. The Coty Airspun powder creates a smooth porcelain surface for your other powders to evenly glide onto. I like to use my Katie B Cosmetics Dual Pressed powder in beige after. I love the finish it gives my skin. Sometimes I feel like an elegant geisha getting ready when I see how smooth my skin looks. You will too! 😉

In the photo above, I pat the airspun all over my face evenly to set my foundation. You can press it into areas you get extra oily.
Then I lightly dust it off and apply my dual pressed powder in the color Sand by Katie B Cosmetics. (premium natural mineral makeup)
Next, I apply my blush and contour and finish with my Anastasia of Beverly Hills Glow Kit. 🙂 eye makeup ,lipstick A final spray with my NYX matte finish spray and I’m out the door slaying it. lol
The Coty Airspun packaging reads: “Featuring an exclusive microspun formula where loose powder particles are spun and swirled until they reach a cloud like softness. This ultra smooth powder hides tiny lines, wrinkles and blemishes, and gives a new softness to your skin. Use to set make-up or as a foundation. Long lasting. Dermatologically tested.”
I even apply the powder to my eye and under eye area. Coty Airspun powder does not crease my eye area. However, if you try packing on too much, creases and dryness will happen. For my under eye concealer I love using the Maybelline New York Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer in the color: Fair
The ingredients in the Coty Airspun translucent loose powder:
Talc, calcium silicate, isopropyl palmitate, cetylacetate, zinc stearate, fragrance, stearyl acetate, imidazolindinyl urea, methylparaben, acetylated lanolin alcohol ,oleic acetate, propylparaben, [may contain: titanium dioxide, iron oxides, zinc oxide].
I noticed talc is the first ingredient listed and that means it’s a main ingredient. Is talc safe in cosmetics? Yes, It’s fine. Don’t be alarmed. I was not sure if talc was bad. I remember the movie “Flowers in the Attic” when the evil bible thumping Grandmother would sprinkle their biscuits with talc powder , remember that horrific scene? …anyone? (crickets)
Turns out today’s talc is different and safe these days in the cosmetic industry. Interesting studies and facts about Talc here: The Talc Controversy
I never want to recommend something that isn’t good for your skin! I actually don’t like that there’s added fragrance and I wish there was a fragrance free version because it may possibly irritate sensitive skin types. I have not had any problems. I do think the smell is pretty and delicate however. 🙂
Do you have any questions about this amazing Coty Airspun loose translucent powder? Please leave your questions or comments below!
This pic came from my snapchat, follow me at: elegancebyjen
This is such an amazing face powder, I hope it continues to manufactureed for the next generation.
-XO Jen
I used to use this as a teen. I guess I need to go pick some up soon and give it a try again! It must be good especially since it’s been round so long!
Yes, it’s good stuff, I prefer it to MAC setting pro powder. Love your blog too doll.
xo Jen
Lovely post. Wil try this product. Been struggling with finding a good undereye setting powder.
Hi Saleena, give it a try, I love it.
Hi! Thank you for this. I’m curious if you can help me. What’s the difference between translucent and translucent extra coverage? I can only find the extra coverage at my nearest stores. I am medium skin but really want something to set/highlight my under eyes.
Hi Melrose,
I have tried the extra coverage version and I didn’t like it! It was heavier I think. I like the regular coty translucent one. Good luck!
Hi, Jen I want to thank you for the detailed review and pictures. I only looked this up Bc I have been using this product for soooo long I was looking up best setting/finishing powders thinking that there must be something better out there by now. I remember seeing this powder in a backstage setting used by the professional make up artist in a traveling production of “The King and I ” about 35 years ago. I was lucky enough to spend the summer in N.Y. and saw production from casting to opening night. Needless to say thay used a lot of make up to make the American actors and actresses look Siamese. I remember how all there skin was flawless and asked many questions . I was told the secret was in the powder! I was so surprised years later back in N.C. when I started wearing make up when I spotted it in a drug store for a couple dollars. It came in card board box with a fine film over it for a seal and believe it or not had twice as much product. It came in several colors from translucent to sun beige and all I ever needed to do in the summer Is change the shade of my powder and used it all these years as I am know 44. Over the years I got daily compliments on my skin and always shared my secret. I am only sharing this so that readers who do find themselves using this magical product will find solace in knowing if it has been around this long with no change (better packaging) that it will likely be there 35 years from now. I have read many articles about setting and finishing powders and after finding your page I now know that I have been wasting a lot of time when I have had the perfect powder all along way before most of today’s companies ever started. Thanks again for reinforcing what I already new and saving me more $ Bc I was tempted to try some others just to see but I think the liquid lipsticks and cute eye shadow pallets have hurt me enough $$! So for u ladies looking u should really check this product out! I think it would make the top five if it was marketed with a larger line seems like it stands alone and does get harder to find. Thanks Again, Dawn
Hi Dawn!
Thank you for sharing I enjoyed reading your story so much. How lucky to go back stage! That was an awesome surprise. Yes! this powder has stood the test of time so far and it’s not going anywhere I hope! I too have tried so many other translucent powders and I keep coming back to this gem. You don’t have to spend $50 on a good setting powder, use this. I love the soft porcelain look this gives the skin. Thanks Dawn
Hi, I want something to set my whole face with a no makeup makeup look, what shade do you think I should get? Will it be Transluscent extra coverage, transluscent, or naturally neutral? I’m betweek NC20-25 in MAC. Thanks
Hi Louise,
Yes, In MAC I am also a NC20, so for you I would also recommend the Coty airspun translucent. It’s a great setting powder. You can apply Mac studio fix powder on top to build more color and coverage.
Hope that helps.
Hi, Im having trouble finding which shade should I get, since I don´t really know the difference between translucent and naturally neutral.Is there a big difference between both of them?Which one do you think I should get?
Thank you. 🙂
Hi Anai,
I recommend everyone to try the translucent one first before trying the coty extra coverage one. I prefer the translucent one.
Hi.does this cause flashback in flash photography.
Can i use the coty air spun under my eye after my concealer for my dark circles?
Hi Gerri,
Yes you may.
If you have dry under eyes like me or prone to creasing below your eyes, dab a little rosehip seed or olive oil under your eyes first and let it soak in for five minutes prior to using concealer and powder.
Hi Jen, can you please tell me step by step exactly to use this product? I just bought this for the first time today and haven’t used it yet. So first, I opened the lid, found the white poof, next the plastic (what I now realize is a) sifter, and then the powder product underneath. At first, I started taking the 4 small pieces of tape off the plastic sifter’s edges because I didn’t realize the sifter was meant to remain permanently where it was, and that it had holes (covered by a circular tape that had to be removed) where the product could come through without having to take off the entire sifter. But assuming I’ve taken this circular sticker off, now comes the troubling part. Say I were to travel with this powder. It seems like once I remove the circular tape and open the holes in the sifter, even if I put the poof back on top of it and put the lid on, there’s nothing really that separates the powder from spilling out through the poof and onto the lid. Am I correct about this? Are we expected to keep the circular sticker on hand and reseal it back on to cover the holes whenever we’re traveling? I can imagine just how messy it can get if the powder doesn’t have any physical blockage keeping it in the under-portion of the container (the poof probably doesn’t block much). I apologize for the long message, but literally nobody has posted precisely how to use/travel with this product, which I’m surprised about considering how long it’s been around for! Thank you so much in advance!
Hi May!
You’re going to love this powder, don’t worry!
Yes, the tape is tricky to remove. You might want to keep two holes covered because it can get messy. Yes, traveling with it could be hard.
If traveling, grab a piece of tape to secure it. I know it may be practical to travel with.
I actually throw away the powder puff. That thing can get messy!!! OMG!
How I use this powder simplified:
After applying my foundation,
I pour about a teaspoon of the powder into the bright golden lid.
Next, I grab my real techniques makeup brush and pack it with powder.
Next, I lightly pat it onto my T-zone and any areas I get oily. Then I lightly pat it all on the rest of my face.
Once it’s set after a minute, I brush my mineral makeup powder on top and apply my blush and do my eyebrows, eye makeup etc.
Finally, once I’m done, I pat more of the city powder into the areas I get oily and I gives a soft focus effect to my skin I can’t live without!
I hope that helps!
XO Jen
I take my real techniques powder brush and
Hi Jen,
Great information. How many shades are there and what color is good for me if I wear MAC NC40 or women of color.
Hi Yolanda!
All you need is the city translucent powder. Translucent is best because it allows your foundation color to show through. This powder gives a soft focus finish.
Hi Jen – this is a great review. I just got my first translucent Coty and I’ve used it twice – I haven’t used much just a gentle set. My problem is that I think it’s making me itch – have you heard anything like that before? I’ve never had an issue with talc before. Is there something else in it that is known to cause itching?
Hi Georgia,
Thank you! Sorry to hear coty made you itch. So strange! You may have sensitive skin. Perhaps you have an old batch that’s expired. I’ve used expired makeup lipstick before that made my lips burn. Maybe try using it somewhere else on your body to test it again?