What is witch hazel?

Do you put witch hazel on before or after moisturizer?

Skincare is a delicate art, each step crucial for a radiant and healthy skin. Among the many ingredients that have stood the test of time, witch hazel reigns supreme. However, a question that often bubbles up is – Do you put witch hazel on before or after moisturizer? Let’s take this journey together and answer that, shall we?

Do you put witch hazel on before or after moisturizer?

Ah, the burning question on everyone’s lips! Witch hazel is touted for its astringent and soothing properties, making it a popular addition to many skincare routines. But when to use it in your regimen is essential. Typically, witch hazel is applied before moisturizer. This ensures that your skin is toned and prepped, ready to lock in hydration from your moisturizer.

Understanding Witch Hazel: A Skincare Marvel

The Origins of Witch Hazel

Witch hazel, a plant native to North America, has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes for its therapeutic properties. Derived from the bark and leaves of Hamamelis virginiana, it found its way into mainstream skincare due to its unique benefits.

Witch Hazel and Its Astringent Magic

One of the main reasons folks love witch hazel? Its astringent prowess. Astringents are agents that shrink or constrict body tissues. In the realm of skincare, this translates to minimizing pores and refining skin texture.

The Soothing Embrace of Witch Hazel

Beyond its astringency, witch hazel is renowned for its calming and anti-inflammatory qualities. Got a pesky pimple or irritated skin? Witch hazel might just be your skin’s best buddy.

Moisturizers: The Skin’s Drink of Water

Why Moisturizing is Essential

Regardless of skin type – dry, oily, combination – moisturizing is non-negotiable. It keeps the skin barrier intact, ensuring hydration is locked in and environmental aggressors are kept out.

Picking the Right Moisturizer for You

It’s a jungle out there with a myriad of moisturizers available. The trick lies in finding one that complements your skin type and addresses specific concerns. Whether you lean towards a lightweight lotion or a rich cream, the key is consistent application.

Witch Hazel Meets Moisturizer: The Sequence Matters

Why Apply Witch Hazel First

Applying witch hazel before your moisturizer ensures that any residue or impurities are cleared out, giving your moisturizer a clean slate to work on. Moreover, as witch hazel tightens pores, it sets the stage for your moisturizer to seep in more effectively.

The Risks of Reversing the Order

Should you go rogue and apply witch hazel after your moisturizer? Well, you might just be sealing in impurities. Moreover, witch hazel could potentially strip away the benefits of your moisturizer, rendering your skincare routine less effective.

Common Mistakes in Skincare Application

While our focus here is witch hazel and moisturizer, it’s worth noting other pitfalls to avoid in skincare:

  • Over-exfoliating: A little goes a long way. Overdoing it can lead to irritated, red skin.
  • Skipping sunscreen: Rain or shine, sunscreen is a must. It’s your first line of defense against premature aging and skin damage.


Do you put witch hazel on before or after toner?
Typically, witch hazel can act as a toner itself. But if you’re using both, apply witch hazel first, followed by your preferred toner.

Is it okay to use witch hazel daily?
Yes, for most people, daily use is fine. However, if you have particularly sensitive skin, it’s always best to patch test and consult a dermatologist.

Can witch hazel replace my moisturizer?
No, witch hazel and moisturizers serve different purposes. While witch hazel tones and soothes, moisturizers hydrate and protect.

Does witch hazel expire?
Like all skincare products, witch hazel has a shelf life. Check the expiration date and note any changes in smell or consistency.

How soon will I see results from using witch hazel?
Skincare is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistent use over weeks will yield noticeable results. However, every skin is unique, so results can vary.

Can I use witch hazel on sensitive skin?
Generally, yes. But as always with sensitive skin, a patch test is recommended before full application.


Skincare is more than just products; it’s a ritual, a moment of self-care. And in this ritual, knowing the sequence is paramount. Now, armed with the knowledge that witch hazel typically precedes moisturizer, you’re all set to let your skin glow and bask in its radiant beauty.