
How do you deal with a coworker with too much perfume?

How do you deal with a coworker with too much perfume?


Have you ever walked into the office and been hit by a wave of overpowering perfume? It’s a situation many of us have faced. While scents can be delightful and personal, in a shared space like an office, they can become a source of discomfort. Let’s dive into understanding this delicate issue and how to navigate it.

Understanding the Impact of Strong Perfumes

Physical reactions to strong scents: For some, strong perfumes can trigger migraines, allergies, or even asthma attacks. It’s not just about preference; it can be a health concern.

The psychological effects of overpowering fragrances: Beyond the physical, overpowering scents can be distracting, leading to decreased productivity and increased stress.

Reasons People Wear Strong Perfumes

Personal preferences and cultural differences: Perfume is deeply personal. What’s overpowering to one might be subtle to another. Cultural backgrounds can also influence how much and what type of fragrance one wears.

Masking other odors: Sometimes, people use strong perfumes to mask other smells, be it from food, smoke, or even sweat.

Unawareness of the strength: It’s also possible that your coworker isn’t even aware of how strong their perfume is, especially if they’ve become nose-blind to it over time.

Steps to Address the Issue

Self-reflection: Is it just you? Before approaching your coworker, consider if you’re the only one affected. If others share your sentiment, it might be easier to address as a group concern.

Choosing the right time and place: It’s essential to pick a private setting to discuss personal matters, ensuring the conversation remains confidential and respectful.

The importance of being empathetic and non-confrontational: Remember, it’s a sensitive topic. Approach it with kindness and understanding.

Effective Communication Strategies

Using “I” statements: Instead of saying, “Your perfume is too strong,” try, “I’ve noticed I’m sensitive to strong scents, and I’ve been having reactions lately.”

Asking open-ended questions: This allows your coworker to share their perspective. For instance, “Have you ever received comments about your perfume before?”

Listening actively: Ensure you’re genuinely listening to their side of the story without interrupting.

Alternative Solutions

Adjusting your workspace: If possible, consider moving your desk or workspace further away.

Using personal air purifiers or fans: These can help dissipate the scent and improve air quality around you.

Seeking mediation or HR intervention: If direct communication doesn’t resolve the issue, consider seeking help from HR or a mediator.

Preventing Future Issues

Setting up workplace scent policies: Many workplaces now have scent-free policies to ensure everyone’s comfort.

Educating employees about scent sensitivity: Awareness is the first step. Workshops or seminars can help employees understand the impact of strong scents.


Dealing with a coworker’s overpowering perfume requires tact, understanding, and effective communication. By approaching the situation with empathy and seeking mutual solutions, you can create a comfortable workspace for everyone.


  1. Why are some people more sensitive to scents than others?
    • Sensitivity can be due to various reasons, including allergies, migraines, or past experiences.
  2. How can I wear perfume without bothering others?
    • Opt for lighter scents and apply them sparingly. Remember, less is more.
  3. What if my coworker reacts defensively when I bring up their perfume?
    • Stay calm, reiterate your concerns, and consider seeking mediation if needed.
  4. Are there legal implications for workplaces regarding strong scents?
    • Some regions have laws protecting individuals with allergies or sensitivities, so it’s essential to be informed.
  5. Can I request a scent-free policy at my workplace?
    • Absolutely! It’s a growing trend, and many employers are open to such suggestions for the well-being of their staff.