How to Stop Your Hair from Breaking and Falling Out
How to stop your hair from breaking and falling out. Here’s my natural home remedies to stop and prevent further hair damage if you’re suffering from hair fall and hair breakage. It’s scary when you start seeing an alarming amount of your hair collecting in your hair brush or going down the drain when you shower.
I have experienced lots of hair breakage and my hair falling out myself, it’s happened to me several times. I finally learned the secret how to stop your hair from breaking and falling out.
Now, I’m going to share these hair tips with you because after many years of experience with hair care and beauty I want to share these tips in my blog.
There’s a few main reasons why your hair is breaking and falling out. First I’ll go over the most common and easiest remedies you can do at home to stop your hair from breaking and prevent breakage, even stop your hair from shedding and falling out.
Here’s the #1 product
I recommend for
repairing weak hair
Hair breakage is very common when you dye your hair, especially if you bleach your hair. Anytime you dye your hair, you’re going to damage it and irritate your scalp to some degree. No matter how gentle your hair dye claims to be, there’s going to be some sort of damage, breakage and hair fall.
Your hair is going to be extremely dry if you bleach it no matter what. Bleach / peroxide strips the hair melanin from the hair and strips the natural hair oils from you hair during the process. When your hair is very dry, it’s prone to breaking and falling out.
You can try synthetic products to moisturize your hair and scalp but they can lead to further damage, head breakage, hair shedding, and irritation to your scalp.
Dyed hair remedy – Try this How to Stop Your Hair from Breaking and Falling Out:
If you have an itchy dry scalp and notice lots of hair breaking and hair falling out in your hair brush, don’t worry. This is easy to fix. It’s a combination of having a fatty acid deficiency in your diet and you’re lacking your natural protective scalp oils.
You could also have dandruff. If this sounds like you, you need to improve your diet by adding healthy fats to your diet. Also, providing soothing natural oils to your scalp and hair. You need to use natural oils at full strength to your hair.
Don’t use synthetic hair products on your scalp if it’s dry and itchy. This could lead to more irritation, dryness, flakes, dandruff, itching, and more hair falling out as well as hair breakage.
Why? Because your scalp omits natural oils as a protective skin barrier and keeps the hair follicle plump and protected. When your scalp is dry and irritated, your hair will most likely begin to fall out.
Dry itchy scalp remedy – Try this How to Stop Your Hair from Breaking and Falling Out:
If you have recently switched to a new shampoo and conditioner and notice your hair is breaking and falling out, you could have an allergic reaction to a new ingredient. It’s scary when you lose a lot of hair in the shower or see a lot of hair in your drain.
Not all shampoos are right for your hair. You could also be shampooing your hair too often, leading to dry brittle hair and scalp irritation. You should switch back to your prior shampoo asap.
I personally recommend using a sulfate free shampoo. I have my favorite here on my favorite beauty items page.
shampoo switch remedy – Try this How to Stop Your Hair from Breaking and Falling Out:
Make sure your shampoo does not have sodium laureate sulfate in the ingredients. That can be a leading cause of hair loss. (source: “no poo” method helps your scalp regain natural moisture and build strong roots. A new conditioner could also lead to clogging the pores in your scalp, leading to irritation and possibly hair falling out.
However, sometimes when you use a new conditioner and notice excessive hair falling out, it could mean the conditioner is helping smooth your hair so much that older hair that shed days ago is finally being “combed” out during the rinse process.
I remember once I kept my hair tied back during a rough time in my life for over one week. I didn’t wash my hair or comb it and when I finally washed and combed my hair, tons of hair shed out. It seriously scared me, but it’s normal to shed on average of 50 – 100 hair per day. (source:
Did you know washing your hair in hot water strips your hair and scalp of natural oils? When your hair is weak and dry and your scalp is irritated, your hair falls out and your hair gets excessively dry and prone to breakage.
Be sure to only use warm or cold water on your hair. It’s also said that if your shower or bath makes the bathroom mirror steam it means your water is too hot.
If you want to restore the moisture and strength to your hair, please follow the 5 steps as mentioned above to prevent hair from breaking and falling out. Hot water is bad for your skin and also bad for your hair.
Flat ironing your hair can lead to hair breakage no matter which leave in heat protecting product you’re using. It’s insanely crucial not using a flat iron every day, especially if your hair is bleached or color treated.
If you’re addicted to using a flat iron, at least allow your hair to dry naturally after washing it and use the olive oil treatment mentioned many times above. Use this treatment at least once a week to help stop your hair from breaking and falling out naturally.
I also recommend that you start using a boar bristle brush. These brushes help evenly distribute the natural oils from your scalp to the end of your hair. The result? Stronger hair and more shiny hair for a bonus!
Many of my friends have told me that when they moved to another country , their hair started falling out. It can take up to six months for your body to get used to a new climate. Many of my friends have experienced this problem, have you? All you can really do is wait it out with patience. Your body will slowly adjust to the change.
Many of my friends that have switched to a vegan or vegetarian life style have noticed excessive hair fall out. This can be from a lack or iron normal found in red meat. If you’re not taking a supplement, you can become anemic and start to look very pale or sickly. If you’re going vegan or vegetarian, do it right and research – plan your meals properly.
Isn’t this the worst… when you start moving your fingers through your hair and your hairs starts breaking… Who agrees?
Thank you for learning How to Stop Your Hair from Breaking and Falling Out.
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