
How do you deal with a coworker with too much perfume?

How do you deal with a coworker with too much perfume?


Have you ever walked into the office and been hit by a wave of overpowering perfume? It’s a situation many of us have faced. While scents can be delightful and personal, in a shared space like an office, they can become a source of discomfort. Let’s dive into understanding this delicate issue and how to navigate it.

Understanding the Impact of Strong Perfumes

Physical reactions to strong scents: For some, strong perfumes can trigger migraines, allergies, or even asthma attacks. It’s not just about preference; it can be a health concern.

The psychological effects of overpowering fragrances: Beyond the physical, overpowering scents can be distracting, leading to decreased productivity and increased stress.

Reasons People Wear Strong Perfumes

Personal preferences and cultural differences: Perfume is deeply personal. What’s overpowering to one might be subtle to another. Cultural backgrounds can also influence how much and what type of fragrance one wears.

Masking other odors: Sometimes, people use strong perfumes to mask other smells, be it from food, smoke, or even sweat.

Unawareness of the strength: It’s also possible that your coworker isn’t even aware of how strong their perfume is, especially if they’ve become nose-blind to it over time.

Steps to Address the Issue

Self-reflection: Is it just you? Before approaching your coworker, consider if you’re the only one affected. If others share your sentiment, it might be easier to address as a group concern.

Choosing the right time and place: It’s essential to pick a private setting to discuss personal matters, ensuring the conversation remains confidential and respectful.

The importance of being empathetic and non-confrontational: Remember, it’s a sensitive topic. Approach it with kindness and understanding.

Effective Communication Strategies

Using “I” statements: Instead of saying, “Your perfume is too strong,” try, “I’ve noticed I’m sensitive to strong scents, and I’ve been having reactions lately.”

Asking open-ended questions: This allows your coworker to share their perspective. For instance, “Have you ever received comments about your perfume before?”

Listening actively: Ensure you’re genuinely listening to their side of the story without interrupting.

Alternative Solutions

Adjusting your workspace: If possible, consider moving your desk or workspace further away.

Using personal air purifiers or fans: These can help dissipate the scent and improve air quality around you.

Seeking mediation or HR intervention: If direct communication doesn’t resolve the issue, consider seeking help from HR or a mediator.

Preventing Future Issues

Setting up workplace scent policies: Many workplaces now have scent-free policies to ensure everyone’s comfort.

Educating employees about scent sensitivity: Awareness is the first step. Workshops or seminars can help employees understand the impact of strong scents.


Dealing with a coworker’s overpowering perfume requires tact, understanding, and effective communication. By approaching the situation with empathy and seeking mutual solutions, you can create a comfortable workspace for everyone.


  1. Why are some people more sensitive to scents than others?
    • Sensitivity can be due to various reasons, including allergies, migraines, or past experiences.
  2. How can I wear perfume without bothering others?
    • Opt for lighter scents and apply them sparingly. Remember, less is more.
  3. What if my coworker reacts defensively when I bring up their perfume?
    • Stay calm, reiterate your concerns, and consider seeking mediation if needed.
  4. Are there legal implications for workplaces regarding strong scents?
    • Some regions have laws protecting individuals with allergies or sensitivities, so it’s essential to be informed.
  5. Can I request a scent-free policy at my workplace?
    • Absolutely! It’s a growing trend, and many employers are open to such suggestions for the well-being of their staff.
Jen Ruhman

As an authority of skin care and beauty products, my goal is to inspire and educate women providing them honest reviews of beauty products and sharing my own personal results. I am inspired by Estée Lauder and her quote, "Beauty is an attitude. There's no secret. Why are all brides beautiful? Because on their wedding day they care about how they look. There are no ugly women - only women who don't care or who don't believe they're attractive."

Published by
Jen Ruhman

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